
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Hello big boy!

Hello Mr. Slept Through The Night!  From 9:30 to 6:15!

Monday, October 20, 2014

We are going to MU!

After weeks of trying to figure out what we should be for Halloween we finally decided! We are going to be Mike,  Sully and one of the PNK sorority girls from Monster's University!  So far we have one costume finished!  I bought the shirt at Hobby Lobby as well as the felt to make the face. I used fabric glue to glue the face on. I can't wait to see it all together on Halloween!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

On the night you were born

Oh baby J. Your entrance to to the world was filed with so many ups and downs!  On February 14th your daddy and I drove through the icy roads to get to the hospital for our 6am induction.
The view from our apartment window!
 After answering the same questions over and over again and having blood drawn the nurses started the pitocin. All day your family waited for you to arrive. By 7pm nothing was happening so the doctor let me eat and everyone (except your daddy's best friend) went home.

 They started the medicine back up at midnight. The next day was more of the same. Around 5pm on the 15th, Dr.J came in and decided it was time for a c-section.

Just a few hours later you were born! They played your song at 7:11 p.m. on February 15th.  You weighed 7lbs 7oz and were 20in long. Watch out world!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Yankee Candle Village!




Magic. It snows here every five minutes. Santa shows up at all times of the year. There is a giant Christmas tree and a miniature Christmas village. There are polar bears and penguins and a giant nutcracker.

Delicious. Popcorn. Candy apples. Fudge. Candy.

Home. The smell of Macintosh apples, strawberry pie, harvest wreaths, peppermint,  candy canes, Christmas, summer nights,  spring showers. All the seasons wrapped up into one candle.
Yankee Candle Village,  Williamsburg,  Virginia.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Hey y'all! It's Fall!

One of my favorite things about Fall is going each year to Busch Gardens Williamsburg Howl-O-Scream! My family has been going since I was in high school which was only a few years ago ;) This year was extra special because I got to introduce baby J to Howl-O-Scream! He has been to Busch Gardens once before in the summer but he slept most of the time. 

At BG over the summer.

Playing in Dragon Land Summer 2014.

This time he is almost eight months old and enjoys being out and people watching. We went up to Williamsburg the night before and spent the night at a hotel so Saturday morning we could be up and ready to go the park opened. The process of going anywhere for any amount of time with a little one takes forever. After making sure we had the stroller, diaper bag with a million different outfit changes, blankets, socks, food, and a sippy cup we were finally ready to start our day!

Highlights from our day!

Oh hey pumpkin baby!

Watching Pet Shenanigans!

On baby J's first ride!

Conversing with the pirate!

On the sky bucket with Aunt Kelsey!

Friday, October 10, 2014

I'm back!

After a very long hiatus, I have decided to come back to the world of blogging! So much has changed in a year! The biggest change? I am now a mom! I still cannot believe that I am responsible for this tiny humans life!
J and me at the state fair!